Wednesday 29 December 2010

Hungarian beer showdown

We are in Budapest, a quick trip to Tescos provided these treats.   To save you tears in the hotel room, tonight I will be reviewing 4 sub £1 cans of beers. 

Ottakringer spezial - 219 huf / 70p 4.9%   500ml

The Dewsbury lass is a legend when it comes to tasting beers, she thinks this smells like like Kronenberg, the red can (french stuff).  It is a little hoppy on the nose, yet a little sweet, it smells like a brewery.  It carries the sweetness and hoppiness through on the palate, not too fizzy, an eating beer. 

The verdict:  Bad yellow tin/ Good beer

Kozel svelty - 149 huf / 50p  4.0%    500ml

Smells like farts and washing up liquid, completely tasteless with the exception of a little hoppy length.  Think Hungarian Bier des Flandres, maybe purchased from the John F. in Dewsbury.

Verdict:  Good can, nice goat, but nothing to like, nothing to dislike.  Maybe a bit stale tasting?

Schlossmuhle  -  108 huf / 30p   3.0%    500ml

This can of beer cost less than the same volume of Tescos own brand beans.  Result.
It smells of nowt, and tastes of very little.  Breakfast beer if ever there was one.  Not a bad thing, very refreshing.  You can taste the bubbles more than the beer.  A lot like fosters ice, but there I am showing my age.

Verdict:  Not really tasting of beer but pretty refreshing

Borsodi  -  169 huf / 55p   4.6%    500ml

Popular on draft in the Hungarian pubs.  Smells a little sherberty.  Sadly, an overly foamy head, sweet on the palate, a hint of maltyness, no real hoppy length, making it less refreshing.  This is getting towards the budvar space.

Verdict:  Should do better really, on the surface it seems more well bred.  In reality a little uninspiring

Overall winner here? The yorkshire lass likes the Ottakringer, as it reminds her of home. As for me, the Schlossmuhle really has a place in the world. So there you have it, Hungarian beer tasting, done. Will report on the wines if we get round to it.


  1. Kozel is not hungarian you dumbass. It's czech. The another two looks like austrian or german, these are very popular in Hungary.

    Borsodi (read as Borshodi)is the only hungarian brand. So what about to name your article "beers in hungary" instead of "hungarian beer"

    And yes, Kozel is not good. I am czech, returned from Budapest yesterday, tried many.

    Cheers/az egészségügyi :-)))

  2. Man, do some research first, before you write bullshit. The previous commenter is right, you have no idea about the whole thing. Borsodi, Kobanyai, Aszok are hungarian, all the others are imported beers. And the other things you wrote about the wines. Don't go to fuckin Tescos and buy the cheapest shit, but take some time instead and go down to Tokaj, Eger, or Villány, and try those wines. They'll beat nearly everything you can have in the UK, trust me, I live there, but I'm also Hungarian, so I have some experiences on both sides. The problem is, if some tourists read your blog, they'll be misleaded by these infos. If you're not an expert, don't act like one. Cheers.
